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About Us


Our unique club has been running in schools throughout Surrey & Hampshire since 2011 and offers before-school, lunch & after school club sessions to participating schools.


Ketsy's Young Magicians is great fun, equally popular amongst girls & boys and is a fantastic way to build confidence! 

Each magic trick has a skill bar, our Magician Tutor's then score the children (non-competitively) before giving each child one of 3 stickers.


The club offers unique access to the learning and performing of amazing and age-appropriate magic tricks.

We also award Bonus Stickers to children demonstrating; helping others (Magic Mentor), attending club workshops (Magic Masterclass), achieving 7 black stickers (Sensational 7), demonstrating practice (Perseverance), 10/10 trick (Perfect Performance) & 15 Black Stickers (Fantastic 15) .


"Our pupils get enormous satisfaction from collecting their stickers. The club rewards practice, creative thinking and promotes working together and helping others."

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